Sunday, June 5, 2011

"Do you want to go back?"

Sunday evening. I think the worst of our jet lag is over. We managed to stay awake all day on Saturday, (after being awake most of Friday night) although towards the end of the day we thought we might have to prop open our eyelids with little toothpicks. But we made it and have felt pretty good all day today.
So, we have been talking and sharing our stories with our friends, and trying to get our minds around this crazy trip. And this particular question--"Do you want to go back?"--keeps being asked of us. Quite interesting. I think people feel this is a good indication of whether I enjoyed the trip. I don't know if it is.
It was a good trip. Also intense. That word keeps popping up in my mind. It was a good trip, but intense. And exhausting.  It was good, bad, funny, frustrating, insightful and ridiculous. Definitely the most out of my comfort zone I have ever been. And Joe should win some kind of man of the year award for traveling with his wife and mother. :)
I don't regret it, at all. I am very glad we did it. It was a great experience.
But do I want to go back? Our clothes are barely out of the dryer. I have not even passed out all of my gifts. Must I think about this now?
My immediate response to this question is no. I came, I saw, I ate the seafood. The trip has not unlocked some hidden wanderlust in me. Nor has it removed the part of me that enjoys the routine of home.
But perhaps this is still the rice and kimchee talking. Once the bread gets back in my system, and we settle back into our routine of home, the memories of this trip will come back to me.
I will be right there!
Wait, whose camera is that?
Mom is totally taking our food while we are distracted
So, will I go back? Who knows? I never thought I would go the first time. But I went, and I have the pictures to prove it. I think I will enjoy them for awhile.

1 comment:

  1. Hey there--I LOVE that last, by the way, of Joe's mom 'stealing''ve been back almost a week--back to 'normal?'
    I'm posting this comment this morning because instead of being on the bus to head back to Seoul to get Sara at the airport, I'm still here in Sokcho--I got a text this morning right as I was about to get ready to leave--due to weather conditions in SanFran, Sara missed her flight! ACK! And United didn't have their act together to get her a seat on a different airline flying to Korea the same day...SO, she's on 'standby' for tomorrow, with a 'guarantee' for MONDAY at the latest. "Aigo" instead of arriving today, Saturday, she might come as late as Monday, and the airline is not putting her up in a hotel since it wasn't a mechanical issue. SCREAM! Okay. So. That's the latest. I am heading to Seoul later today, though--the hotel's already paid for and I may as well be closer to the airport in case she comes only one day late instead of two...And I did find out--there IS a Spanish-lang. group here--crazy, eh? As for English, there's an entire circuit...other for. lang. groups here include Hindi, Thai, Vietnamese, Chinese, Japanese...There used to be a French group, but it was disbanded...Signing off in Sokcho by the sea, then...I guess this is the end of your blog for now, eh? Take good care...
