Friday, May 13, 2011

"More kimchee, please!"

And other phrases to make it in Korea...
Less than one week away! We are gearing up for departure. So many details to be taken care of before we get out of here.
While we (ok, mostly I) have no idea what we are going to pack in our luggage, we also are trying to figure out what to pack in our minds. As mentioned, we have been studying the language for about 2 years, but we need to pick up conversational language. We have found some good little Korean phrase/travel books, which we have been pouring over for the last month or so, trying to learn some essential phrases to help us get around, not look completely lost, and know most of the time what we are eating.
The books are broken down into different situations, which is nice. Hotel, Taxi, Subway, Shopping, and of course, a big section on Eating and Drinking. (Unfortunately, no section titled 'Losing it in Korea'. I might have found that helpful.)
Here are some phrases we have memorized and intend on using:

What is this? I-go-shi mwo-ye-yo?
What time is it? Myot-shi-ye-yo?
Where is the bathroom? Hwa-jang-shil-i oh-di iss-oh-yo?
I don't understand. Mo-ru-geh-sso-yo. (Because we speak Korean like 5 year olds, these will probably be used a lot!)

I would like coffee, please. Ko-pi ju-say-yo.
I would like wine, please. Wi-ine ju say-yo. (I have priorities.)

I would like to go shopping. Shyo-ping ka-go ship-oh-yo.
How much does it cost? Ohl-ma yeh-yo?
That is a little expensive. Cho-kum pi-ssah-yo.
Can you sell it cheaper? Chohm Kka-kka chu-say-yo. (Bargaining? Is a must.)

I really like it here. Ah-ju ma-um-eh duh-ru-yo.
It was really delicious. Mah-sheet-geh moh-go-so-yo. 
Please give me more kimchee. Kim-chee johm-toh ju-say-yo. (Just keepin' it positive!)

What is 'catnip' in Korean?
So, it's a start. Any suggestions for us? What do we need to know how to say?


  1. 'what to pack in our minds'--love that phrase!
    And love the assortment of phrases. Have you been listening to Pimsleur methods CDs as well? Viva Pimsleur--I've been enjoying my 20-minute drive to work, learning things like: "Kka-kka-ee eun-haeng issoyo?" (This is a quiz for you--what does that mean? ha!)

  2. Emma looks so smart reading your "White girl's guide to Korea". Does it tell you in there where all the Wal-marts and Gaps are in Seoul? That's actually what Joey's phrase up there says... "Where is the Banana Republic-annsoyo?" Please bring me back a pair of flat front chinos and a soft pink tee... The perfect thing to remember Asia! Btw, who is taking care of the cats? Did you pile a bunch of loaves of bread in the middle of the living room and hope their killer instincts take over? I read somewhere that's what cats do when they are alone and abandoned... they find loaves of bread and eat them! Just sayin'! Love you!

  3. ask the cat "뭘봐!?"... lol
